Hello from Amsterdam!

The Mrs. and I had to come over here just this morgen for a lil' 5-day stay. Long story. I will be sure to overshare at length....
It was harsh to leave the Lil' Sea Monkey just as we were reuniting after her trip to Oaxaca. Is that the right way to spell it? We hadn't even gotten much quality couch time in before we had to turn around and go.
<-----Here is one of our hostesses. Cheryl. We've known eachother since 1981. We met at the gay & lesbian Saturday youth group meetings in the back alley of the "gayborhood" in downtown Philly.

Girl, I always been lovin' this town
I feel a special connection or somethin somethin
I can't be showing my face because somebody is looking a little HAGGY after the overnight flight
The Capt'n----->