In other words, get over it and keep calling your senators all weekend!
It's our last chance to block Alito from being nominated to the supreme court.
Monday is the deadline.
Calling does work. Thank you, New York, for flooding Hillary Clinton's office with calls. It worked.
If your senators are already supporting the fillibuster, call them again to thank them. They need to realize we care and that we are watching. The senators Snowe in Maine and Chafee in Rhode Island are pro-choice Republicans who are undecided on the fillibuster/ supporting Alito question (as far as I know.) I'm thinking they would be crucial people to call, if you know what I'm saying. Even hardcore hopeless fascist-like republican senators should be called, again so that they know we care and are watching.
I'm sorry to nag, but I'm begging you: pick up the phone!