Dear Diarrhea,

Dag, yesterday morn I tweaked my back just sitting on the couch, literally. I felt like a butthead, but then I turned that frown upside down and resolved to go back to yoga. What the kids of today don't understand is that when you get old like the Cap'n you risk injury just going about your everyday business. Then you have to lay on the floor and do the emergency repair yoga and the Feldenkrais. Which worked enough to get me out on a rendezvouz with S'Monkey at our beloved Tourmaline where we both got many sweet rides. The waves looked big and scary coming at us, but then they eased out into gentle long rollers. So technically they weren't really mad rides, they were sweet rides. Sea Monkey is really on top of her game, I noticed. (note to self: go to the Y at least twice this week.) Then after a sweet visit with Anna Hoy and Ali, I came home to Hooli and the Doctor on the couch. We ate Ron Athey's leftover middle eastern food that he made, called somethin somethin, but it was delish, while watching Law and Order, starring Ratty and Piggy and Biggy and Jungley. Ratty is the forgettable mousey detective lady with dishwater blonde hair, Piggy is that enraging pig snout guy who always gives the halting, actor-y self-righteous speeches when they get their man, and Mr. Big and that sexy italian lady who was in Jungle fever and who played Tony Soprano's crazypants mistress.