Tony Stinkmetal's new tattoo!

Tony Stinkmetal, author of such New Wave art film cult classics as "Rochelle, Rochelle," the story of a young girl's erotic journey from Milan to Minsk; "I Was A Sexy Werewolf (Too Bad For You)"; and the forthcoming 21st-century noir "Billy Scratchitt, or Love Ruins Everything" has just added to his priceless collection of tats with this latest work on his comely young and shaved pussy I mean shin. Stinkmetal, yer a brave and visionary lad! Team Shredder salutes you in Song and Dance!

We particularly enjoy the artistic ambiguity around the 2nd chakra. Por ehemplay, look how the belt buckle he say "Tony"--Is that to be meaning that Stinkmetal he wear a belt how he telling his name to the other people?? Or . . .Does the belt buckle she say, "I am belt buckle of man who LOVE/LUSTS for Tony Stinkmetal?!!!!! Or BOTH??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By which we here at Team Shredder Legal Services in no way mean to imply that Mister Stinkmetal he suffer from the Narcissitic Lesbian Attraction™@!