Sea Monkey Weighs In

Hi. Sea Monkey here. It sez posted by The Cap'n, but I'm so crazy on this cleanse that I can't remember my password or even name to sign in or whatever. Listen, I got a lotta things I want to say to the people, I have a lotsa thoughts and a lotsa love, happy new year, everyone, I love you all, but I'm on Day Two of the new fast, The Master Cleanser, and the first thing that went out my pores was my brain, so I'm just runnin on a few residual neurons gasping on the inside of my skull where they're stuck like-- your metaphor here--so let me just say this:

Today on cable: Niagara, Niagara, starring Robin Tunney. 1996. A woman with Tourette's Syndrome takes her insecure lover on a sex, pills, and alcohol-laden search for a toy doll.

Team Shredder's question to the audience: Does anyone out there know how I can get a job writing for the TV Guide Channel, since clearly these scribes are the masters of our day?