San Diego: irony-free zone
So we went to the gay pride thingy the other day. I had an out-of-towner friend visiting and the parade goes right by our house, so what the hell. But we were feeling a little snippy and annoyed with the commercialism of the absolut vodka pride floats, etc. that are typical of today, combined with the non-critical, stunted, relatively flavorless community here in San Diego, so Dick Blew and I had to wear our matching shirts to express our frustration with the asimilationist tendencies of the queer power structure within a bloated imperialist society during the dance macabre of late capitalism and plus. You know what I'm saying. But I'm not so sure the people here did. Sure, we thought we were hilarious, but all we got were resentful crickets from the San Diegans. Pictured above: Dick Blew gets ready to tuck her "Gayness is a fucked-out whore" shirt and her slip up into her underpants, with her excellent ass hanging out, which she then wore that way until a disturbed Old Navy queen came over and tried to "help" her and fix her outfit. He actually grabbed Dick Blew's dress and pulled it out of her underwear. But Mary, you can't be physically grabbing a lady's person like that without the lady then having to correct you, which then commenced. I didn't catch the whole thing, but I think I did hear Dick esplaining that she was, in fact, gay too, "even though I only look like a fucked-out whore." It was really funny, though here I am esplaining the joke so it's actually probably not funny any more.