Team Shredder Book of the Month Club
Team Shredder Press, 142 pages, 60¢
Seamonkey looks outward, and then inward, while pondering the cycles of life--and death--in this thrilling science fiction/tell-all/coming of age story about a man and her self.
Some excerpts:
Seamonkey: "The Terrible Beauty of 3 monarch chrysallii what we brung in from the fields...
...One hatched the other day and N brought him upstairs on her finger--he was all sleepy and sluggish like me! Then she put him in the zinnias, because I--while blown. the. fuck. away.--still couldn't get outta bed that early. We even saw him SHAKE HIS CATERPILLAR COAT AWAY and reveal the doughy chrysallis inside! Then he becomes red goo inside the C for only 10 days, then he emerges as a butterfly, then he ponces around on my zinnias for a while, then FOR NO REASON he flies down to Mehico avec his confreres and they gather by the billions in trees for the winter!"
"Plus (here are) some crazy etruscan tombs just for fun!"
Seamonkey, Team Philosopher of Team Shredder, once again shows us the way to ourselves.
I was once a cozy pod and then red goo. Soon I must fly 3,000 miles with my friends because we are depressed by the cold and dark.