To The Peoples of New York:
There is a great thing happening, and that is the Odyssey world premiere/release party at MIX NYC, Sunday November 12th, at 8PM, at 3LD Art & Technology Center.
Please click on this link to get the full explanation, as I have not yet had enough caffiene to do anything right:
I will tell you this, however.
Among the brilliant, all-star list of contributors you will find FIVE count them FIVE bloggers: gree c. hair, Zoe Strauss, Sea Monkey, Mrs. The Capt'n aka Dick Blew, and The Capt'n.
You no longer have to just picture in your mind's eye our films and videos, you can now go see them up on the big screen.
Special props and thanks must go to Bernadine Mellis and Andrea Lawlor, the creators/curators of the Odyssey.
Along with MIX NYC, Pocket Myths and Redbird Films are having a big
performance/party to celebrate the release and premiere of our epic
collaboration (see full
list of contributors below!), THE ODYSSEY: book & dvd extravaganza.
When: November 12, 8pm
Where: 3LD Art & Technology Center, 80 Greenwich Street, Theater #1
(R or 1 to Rector, 2 3 4 5 to Wall Street, J M Z to Broad, A C to
Admission: $12
More about the festival:
More about THE ODYSSEY:,
***The first 24 people to arrive will receive a FREE COPY of THE
***You can also buy it at the event for $20.***
THE ODYSSEY Contributors:
Emily Abendroth, Ida Dewey Acton, Justin Audia, Ari Banias, Bill
Basquin, Julia Bloch, Lizzy Bonaventura, Popahna Brandes, CAConrad,
Anita Chao, Jason Coyle, Paula Cronan, Cybele, Courtney Dailey, Amanda
Davidson, Steve Dolph, Ryan Eckes, Tonya Foster, Cathy Halley, Kara
Hearn, Gretchen Hildebran, Michael Hyde, Xylor Jane, Laura Jaramillo,
Laska Jimsen, Judith Jordan, Andrea Lawlor, Jennifer Lee, Rebecca Lee,
Robin Coste Lewis, Kara Lynch, Laura Mays, Mary McDermott, Bernadine
Mellis, Delia Mellis, Miranda F. Mellis, Dori Midnight, EE Miller,Megan
Milks, Lamby Morreale, Eileen Myles, Christian Nagler, Maggie Nelson,
Miranda Pierce, Mendal Polish, Corinna Press, Ariana Reines, Irit
Reinheimer, Frances Richard, Rachel Robbins, Sara Seinberg, Davina
Semo, Juliana Snapper, Miriam Klein Stahl, Senseney Lea Stokes, Zoe
Strauss, Samuael Topiary, Laurie Weeks, Jen Welch, David West, and
Rebecca Yaffe.